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Twitter Tales: Strange Love Discovered On 1AM McDonald's Run

By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | April 12, 2016 |

By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | April 12, 2016 |

Twitter has become a fast-evolving form for storytellers. Zola and her tale of hustling. Screenwriter Chris McQuarrie sharing his life-changing trip to Devils Tower. Dave Holmes revealing how he trolled a band of stupid scammers. And now Josh Raby, a Nashville-based writer/director, has caught the world’s eye with his bizarre tale of love, rediscovery and McDonald’s apple pies.

Overnight, the tweeted tale blew up. Raby woke up to thousands of notifications, and “milkshake truther” movement that insisted he’d made the whole thing up. To that, he offered:

So far, he’s handling Interfame with aplomb.

Kristy Puchko spends too much time on Twitter.