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Twitter Reacts to the Less Than Stellar Looking 'Avengers' Video Game

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | June 11, 2019 |

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | June 11, 2019 |


The world’s largest gaming conference—the annual Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3)—is currently taking place in Los Angeles. While the event proper begins today, the press conference part of the Expo took place mostly over the weekend, with a bunch of big announcements—and Keanu blessings—hitting the news over the past few days. The big reveal from last night was the long-awaited video game adaptation of Marvel’s The Avengers. Slated for a May 15, 2020 release and developed by nu-Tomb Raider developers Crystal Dynamics (with help from Eidos Montreal), publisher Square Enix released the premiere trailer for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Stadia, and PC game. Here it is:

Twitter was…less than pleased with that. Some of the beef was directed at the fact that the character models didn’t exactly resemble the now-iconic movie versions of Marvel’s superhero team, while others were miffed that the game just didn’t look all that great for a current gen adaptation of one of the biggest budget properties in the world.

Although one look at the voice cast that the game has assembled makes it pretty clear where all the budget went:

And because Twitter is never just about negativity and complaining it of course had a very simple and easy fix to the perceived problems too:

Header Image Source: Square Enix