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Twitter Reacts to the Golden Globes Categorizing Matt Damon's Rib Tickler 'The Martian' as a Comedy

By Dustin Rowles | Social Media | November 13, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Social Media | November 13, 2015 |

Matt Damon’s hilarious, laugh riot The Martian — about a man stranded on Mars for an extended period of time — has been categorized in the comedy category at the Golden Globes this eyar (along with David O. Russell’s Joy, starring Jennifer Lawrence). Why? REASONS. Because the studio believes that by being in that category, they have a better shot at winning a Golden Globe and by virtue of that, a better shot at winning an Oscar.

It’s silly. It’s even sillier for the Hollywood Foreign Press Association to allow the movie to be categorized as a comedy based on that one funny line in the trailer where Damon says he’s going to Science the shit out of this. It looks like 20th Century Fox is trying to science the shit out of the globes.

Twitter is expectedly appalled.

This came from Judd Apatow — whose Trainwreck will compete in the category — last month.

Punk move, indeed.