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Twitter Reacts to Sarah Sanders' Departure as White House Press Secretary

By Dustin Rowles | Social Media | June 13, 2019 |

By Dustin Rowles | Social Media | June 13, 2019 |


President Trump announced today that Sarah Sanders would be leaving the White House after three and a half years, despite the fact that Trump has only been in the White House for two and a half years, which could only mean that the years feel as long to him as they do to the rest of us.

There’s not a big story behind Sanders’ reasoning yet, although I don’t expect that we’ll find out in six months that Sanders was forced out, or that she quit in protest because that would presume that Sanders had the capacity to protest the President. She has wholeheartedly supported and endorsed his every corrupt and amoral move. I wish we could take solace in this, but her replacement — if there even is one (Trump has often said he’s his own best press secretary) will undoubtedly be as awful or worse as Sanders, if that is even possible.

Indeed, the only joy in this comes from the jokes that Twitter has been sharing in a sort of ha ha funny commiserating how could-it-possibly-get-any-worse-but-it-definitely-will kind of way.

Sarah Sanders is reportedly considering a run for Governor of Arkansas in 2022, ensuring that I will never return to my home state again.