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Twitter Reacts to Reddit Deciding to Crash the Stock Market

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | January 27, 2021 |

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | January 27, 2021 |


Capitalism, lol. Amirite?! What a gas. What a perfectly rational, wonderfully benign, and scandal-free economic system we’ve let a few people impose on the rest of us, eh? Such a laugh. And while sometimes you might look at capitalism and think: Jesus Christ, how fu**ing boring can you get while being so evil? But don’t sell it short, sport, your buddy capitalism is good for a laugh too! Remember that time in 2008 when a banker was caught manipulating the inter-bank lending rate, Libor—tiny changes in which cause billions of dollars to slosh around from place to place—as a favour to a mate in exchange for some day-old sushi. Hilarious! Capitalism is the slapstick general of an invading army that will pass through your town, razing it to the ground in the process while he observes from a whoopee cushioned seat in his tank decorated with memes. Anyway on that note here’s Twitter reacting to the news that a section of Reddit is planning to destroy a hedge fund by buying up stock in a company that the hedge fund bet on going under.

End capitalism now.