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Twitter Ponders What We Collectively All Misremember

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | March 11, 2020 |

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | March 11, 2020 |


Just this morning, while wandering the hostile and cacophonous landscape of Twitter, a lonesome twinkling thread caught my eye. Jauntily frolicking with a twinkle in its eye and a spring in its step, it sprung forth when writer Jessica Blankenship posed the question:

The funny thing about the phrase ‘what do we collectively misremember?’ is that it’s so often a code for ‘what is the version of reality we have been brainwashed to accept by our rulers?’ Propaganda, psy-ops, misinformation campaigns—modern Western society is so saturated with it all it’s enough to get the corpse of good old Eddie Bernays weak at his decomposed rotten bastard knees. Either way the thread that followed Blankenship’s question was fun, depressing, and instructive in equal measure—even though the phrasing template being used by people in response was sometimes inconsistent. You get the gist. Look: