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Twitter Makes 92-Year-Old Angela Lansbury Pick the Switch with Which They Berate Her

By Dustin Rowles | Social Media | November 28, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | Social Media | November 28, 2017 |

Angela Lansbury is 92 years old, which is about how old my Granny would be if my Granny were still alive, and if my Granny were still alive, she’d still be saying a lot of hateful things about black people and gay people and telling me “you ain’t worth a damn nickel” before asking me to go out and pick the switch with which she beat me. Sweet lady, really, except for all the horrible things she said every minute of every day. Side note: She stopped talking to me after my Dad died, because I think she thought that we were bad influences on my Dad and turned him gay.

So, if you put Angela Lansbury’s comments in the context of my grandmother — who literally looked the other way when my grandfather brought prostitutes into the house — well, they’re still pretty awful:

“There are two sides to this coin. We have to own up to the fact that women, since time immemorial, have gone out of their way to make themselves attractive. And unfortunately it has backfired on us — and this is where we are today.

“We must sometimes take blame, women. I really do think that. Although it’s awful to say we can’t make ourselves look as attractive as possible without being knocked down and raped.”

Oh Angie. No, no. Nonononono. I mean, I’m not expecting woke Grandma here, but no. This has nothing to do with appearance. It has everything to do with power. Making oneself look attractive is not the sole purview of women, after all, and no one knocks down and rapes Kid Rock when he wears his furs:


I mean, yikes, I don’t think that my racist old Granny would say that women were asking for it.

Lansbury did at least suggest that she thinks “it will stop now” and that “a lot of men must be very worried at this point,” but the damage was already done. Twitter lit her up, and not because the ending of Murder on the Orient Express is terrible:

Given her age, however, some are advocating for less outrage and more sympathy given her worldview. After all, my own Granny did nothing when her husband brought home prostitutes. Both she and Lansbury lived in a world where women were often treated horribly and probably spent a lot of time blaming themselves: