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Twitter Deservedly Dunks On That 'The Horrors Of Cuban Socialism' Guy

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | September 23, 2019 |

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | September 23, 2019 |


Capitalism is literally killing the planet, its people, and the animals that we share it with.

But hey—at least we get to waste our precious and limited life’s energy agonising over which overpriced brand of slave-made shoes we get to spend our labour-bought time on while worrying about being unable to receive basic human necessities like healthcare or clean water.

There’s nothing so in line with the human spirit as Apple Store employees giving a standing ovation to the first mug to buy a new iPhone. The sight of it definitely doesn’t make me want to throw myself off a bridge.

Capitalist ‘choice’ is a cancerous illusion that enslaves the human spirit as well as our labour.

In other words: I have no idea who this bloke is. Prior to this weekend I don’t think many people did. Now he’s known as the latest manifestation of that eternally recurring internet knob: ‘Hurrdurr Socialism Bad’ Guy.

Take it away, mate:

And take it away, Twitter: