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Tom Cruise Deepfaked Into 'Star Wars' is a Sight To Behold

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | December 11, 2020 |

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | December 11, 2020 |


Hi, guys. Happy Friday!

Guess what!

It’s that time again!

Time to check in on how the development of that cheeky dystopian tech is going. Because, you know, Pete Davidson as Ariana Grande was a truly terrifying sight from the forbidden depths below the sea. But all your favourite films singing Smash ‘Bread’ Mouth’s ‘All Star’ was quite fun. And Harrison Ford slotted into Solo was…quite impressive actually. Well here’s more from the lighthearted, jaunty side of things, to distract us from the insidious secret service use and horrible revenge p*rn the tech is already being put to use for: Tom ‘I will die onscreen dammit and you will include that take in the movie, dammit!’ Cruis, being subbed in for Oscar ‘Far too good for these films anyway’ Isaac in that godawful corporate wagon circling that was Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker: