By Petr Navovy | Social Media | August 24, 2021 |
By Petr Navovy | Social Media | August 24, 2021 |
Dog-cat friendships just absolutely wreck me. Because of the way they are so often cast as natural nemeses, and the fact that their temperaments and methods of expression so frequently seem to be in stark contrast—The Cat, a stoic and expressionless sentinel capable of random acts of violence; The Dog, a sweet and oft-bumbling open book of unconditional love—there’s something incredibly sweet about the two being friends that destroys me completely. Show me a dog and a cat being friendly with each other and my day is saved. I don’t care if I’ve just stepped in some sh*t while walking down the street. I don’t care if I’ve just been mugged. I don’t care if I turn up at my favourite pub, dying for a drink, only to find out that it’s closed down. Show me a dog and a cat being friends and—at least for the while that I can bask in their unbelievably fu**ing cute energy—I’ll be okay. Case in point, this mama cat introducing her dog friend to her kitten. It’s a Tuesday; the most cursed day of the week. That means I’ll be keeping the clip in a background tab, ready for immediate deployment should the need arise—because you know it will arise.