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The #MPRRaccoon Story Has A Happy Ending

By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | June 13, 2018 |

By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | June 13, 2018 |


A reckless raccoon became a Twitter star yesterday, thanks to a never-say-die attitude and an apparent apathy to heights. In St. Paul, Minnesota, a scrawny raccoon scaled a small office building, getting stranded on its ledge on Monday. The poor creature remained there until Tuesday afternoon, resting or maybe planning his next move. Meanwhile, local humans took pictures.

Minnesota Public Radio News reports humans did attempt a rescue. Though the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota and the city of St. Paul’s animal control were called, it was three maintenance workers who screwed together 20-feet of lumber to help the raccoon down. But to no avail. The #MPRRaccoon had a plan of his own.

The raccoon leaped to the towering UBS high-rise, and began climbing. And as the hashtag took hold on Twitter, the world began watching, breathless and concerned as MPR reporter Tim Nelson live-tweeted.

All human intervention efforts demanded that the raccoon make it to the roof of the 26-story office building. So the internet was left helpless, watching, waiting, hoping for a happy ending…and cracking jokes.

Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn got understandably invested in the safety of this scrappy raccoon and offered a reward for his rescue.

Across America, concerned animal lovers reluctantly turned away from Twitter to go to bed, fearful of how the story might resolve as they slept.

Then, in the wee hours of the night, the MPR Raccoon made his move to safety and an eternal spot in our hearts.

And there was much rejoicing.