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The Internet Ruined the Life of the Woman Who Started #CancelColbert Because We Are All Bullying Donald Trumps

By Dustin Rowles | Social Media | February 23, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Social Media | February 23, 2016 |

Remember Suey Park, the woman who took issue with a joke that Stephen Colbert — the character — made at the expense of Asian people, and responded in her own over-the-top satirical manner by starting the #CancelColbert hashtag? Some people really, really took offense to the hashtag, and in defending a comedian who didn’t need defending, took it 5,879 steps too far by essentially ruining the life of Suey Park.

The harassment was such that Suey Park had to relocate after she was doxxed, endured numerous death threats, was stalked even after she relocated, and generally suffered a living hell in which she was alienated on the Internet and lost the support of many of her friends. Even her boyfriend broke up with her. Why? Because of a goddamn hashtag joke, and because an aggressive HuffPo reporter teased a quote out of her that he could then use out of context to vilify her and turn an angry mob against a woman whose intentions — at the very worst — were in the right place.

Suey Park is the subject of the first episode of SyFy’s new series, The Internet Ruined My Life (and there’s undoubtedly no shortage of subjects). It’s a 10-minute segment worth watching, if only to remind everyone that the people that are harassed online are real. They have friends, families, and feelings, and no tweet is worth ruining someone’s life over.

via Wired