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The Dems Won the Filibuster, but Samantha Bee Won Twitter

By Dustin Rowles | Social Media | June 16, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Social Media | June 16, 2016 |

After holding the floor for nearly 15 hours, Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy accomplished what he set out to accomplish around 2 a.m., last night. He convinced the Republicans to allow a vote on whether to ban people on the government’s terrorist watch list from obtaining gun licenses and whether to expand background checks to gun shows and internet sales. It was a good night not just for the Democrats, but for the political process. This is what we elect our representatives to do: Advocate for our interests.

It was also a great night for fans of process, because we got to better know about 40 of our Democratic Senators (we did not, however, learn anything about our Republican Senators, as they did not make an appearance).

No one was happier, however, than the political dork squad over on Full Frontal, who got to spend 15 hours geeking out while they watched the political process happen … for their job.

In fact, Samantha Bee spent much of the day on Twitter live-tweeting the filibuster. She tweeted a lot, and you can read them all here.

Here’s a selection of the best reactions.

That’s good tweet.