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The Breitbart Nazis Are Now Canceling Netflix Subscriptions Over Claims of 'White Genocide'

By Dustin Rowles | Social Media | February 9, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | Social Media | February 9, 2017 |

Yesterday, Netflix debuted the new trailer for Dear White People, the television adaptation of the cult Justin Simien movie. The trailer itself was fairly benign — it was a trailer version of a post Brian wrote around Halloween, reminding white people what costumes are and are not allowed on Halloween. I have no idea how that supports white genocide, but white supremacists aren’t exactly the brightest bulbs, are they?

At any rate, a bunch of deplorables with Pepe the Frog icons took to Twitter to announce their cancellation intentions.

Karma, however, came to this jackass white supremacist who neglected to black-out his email address when posting a screenshot of his cancellation.

How many users will Netflix actually lose? Probably tens. TENS! Who will probably resubscribe as soon as House of Cards is released. Somehow, I doubt Reed Hastings — who has called Donald Trump’s actions “un-American” — isn’t that shook.

Dear White People: Get over yourselves, snowflakes.