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Relive The Funny Feelings 'Hackers' Stirred With This Studly Fan Art

By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | November 17, 2015 |

By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | November 17, 2015 |

Can you call it fan art when the artist is a professional?

In case you don’t know Jess Fink, she’s the dirty mind behind the sizzling steampunk erotic web comic Chester 5000 XYV. But today, she’s also the wonderful woman who brought us a welcomed reminder of this scene from the 1995 classic Hackers, which features Angelina Jolie, Jonny Lee Miller, and a red-leather bodysuit:

Forget your manic Mondays, and embrace your #ManSmutMonday:

WARNING: The last one’s a little NSFW
Here we are.

Check out Chester’s totally NSFW adventures here .

Kristy Puchko believes spandex truly is a privilege, not a right.