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Reddit Asks For Conspiracy Theories Too Logical To Ignore

By Jodi Smith | Social Media | March 2, 2020 |

By Jodi Smith | Social Media | March 2, 2020 |

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Like beauty, logic may be in the eye of the beholder. For some, it may make sense to believe in Bigfoot because logically science can’t find everything all of the time and the world is bigger than we may ever know. For others, logic requires incontrovertible proof that one aspect of a theory flows into the next convincing piece of information until a full picture is created without reaching.

At any rate, Reddit just loves it some conspiracy theories and has a knack for making them seem fully plausible (to some extent). Redditor u/Prometheus_Turati wanted other users to shed some light on their logical conspiracy theories and a ton of them took the request and ran with it.





Absolutely follow this link and read the entire post positing that Smokey Robinson and Diana Ross are Michael Jackson’s real parents:

That Diana Ross and Smokey Robinson are Michael Jackson’s actual parents. That’s why he was the talent in the Jackson family and why there were rumors that he was Evan Ross’s father (they both look like Diana). Smokey would’ve been 18 and Diana 14 years old when Michael was born so Berry Gordy arranged to have the kid given to his old boxing buddy and fellow musician from Chicago, Joe Jackson, who he would fund leading to the formation of the Jackson 5. Joe had a big family where Michael would get everything he needs while training him to be an entertainer and Motown could protect their image by taking the child out of the picture.







Whaaaat someone explain this next one… Oh, I already did.





Image sources (in order of posting): Touchstone Pictures, Buena Vista Pictures