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People On Twitter Can Be So F*cking Stupid Sometimes

By Brian Richards | Social Media | December 2, 2016 |

By Brian Richards | Social Media | December 2, 2016 |

Yesterday while I was on Twitter and looking through my timeline, I came across a brief but noticeable exchange between a woman who I follow and a man who I don’t. The exchange pretty much went like this:

Woman: (makes grammatical error in one of her tweets, which she then goes on to correct in the next tweet)
Man: (points out said grammatical error and then calls her a moron)
Woman: (points out that she noticed her error and corrected it, and then tells him to go fuck himself)
Man: “I was just kidding. Don’t ovaryact.”

Get it, everyone? Huh? Huh?! He said ‘ovaryact.’ Like overreact, but with the word ‘ovary’ in it! Because you know them womens, they’re so emotional and they can’t control themselves and they don’t know how to keep themselves in check, huh? Huh?!

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And then his dumb ass got blocked, and then he went on to complain about how he was just kidding and how what he said wasn’t that offensive (which is almost always the automatic response when trolls get called out on their shit. Right along with: “Look at everyone blowing up my mentions!,” “Y’all take Twitter way too seriously,” and “Twitter is a public conversation and I can respond to you however I want so if you don’t like it, get off Twitter.”) and then I got bored reading his tweets and decided to preemptively block him as well.

Seeing conversations like these occur on a regular basis on Twitter (and it’s usually women, Black women, and artists/celebrities of any degree of recognition) only remind me (as if I could ever forget) that the two main reasons why this happens are distance and anonymity. For many people, social media has convinced them that they can say whatever they want and do whatever they want without suffering any consequences whatsoever, especially if you don’t know who the person is or where they are, or how to personally confront him or her. Because it it is guaranteed that nine times out of ten, people who go out of their way to bully, troll, harass, insult, and intimidate others on the Internet (whether on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, or in the comments section of any article) wouldn’t dare say these things to the object(s) of their contempt in person, if only because they’d be ignored, laughed at, insulted, or just simply get knocked the fuck out.

Which brings us to Thandie Newton and Jeffrey Wright, both of whom star on the HBO series Westworld. Now, there are many people who think very highly of the show and of the actors who appear in it (including our very own Lord Castleton), especially Newton and Wright. Many of those who don’t have still been able to express their negative opinions in a respectful manner, because that’s what most adults do (or try to do) when expressing an opinion about the art and entertainment that they consume.

Not these assholes.

Not only did they feel the need to talk shit about Newton and Wright, but they also felt the need to talk this shit directly to them. Because these opinions of theirs are opinions that deserve and demand to be shared.

If ever you needed proof that Thandie Newton is a class act as well as a talented artist, who clearly believes in Michelle Obama’s philosophy of “When they go low, we go high.”, her response to those tweets should do the trick.

Jeffrey Wright, on the other hand, had to deal with at least one person on Twitter who not only had issues with his performance as Bernard, but also with his political views.

(sighs) Some of you motherfuckers on the Internet, and especially on Twitter, really would make me renounce my atheism if I knew this prayer would ever be granted.

give me the power to punch people over the internet.png

On a brighter and less antagonistic note, the season finale of Westworld airs this Sunday at 9 PM EST on HBO, so if you have anything to say about it to either Thandie or Jeffrey or any other actor who appears on the show, make sure you have some damn Act-Right when you say it. Even if the episode ends with Bernard and Maeve staring down into a bottomless hatch like this:
