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Okay But Have You Ever Seen a Dog Digging An Irrigation Ditch?

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | October 28, 2021 |

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | October 28, 2021 |


Here’s the thing about dogs (as if I need to say this again): They are the best. The Best. Nothing even comes close. They are the greatest creatures and we are here to look after them. Once you realise that there’s no need for any childish existential crises. No wasteful ponderings about our purpose on this Earth. Look after dogs. That’s it. Make sure they’re happy. And the funniest thing is that so often what makes them the happiest is helping us out. That’s how ridiculously pure they are! Like, here, look, exhibit number XYZ, this good boi helping his human with irrigation:

Yes, thank you, this will be the energy that carries me through the rest of the week.