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Kanye West Responds to Accusations from His Ex That He Likes Fingers In his Spanker

By Dustin Rowles | Social Media | January 29, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Social Media | January 29, 2016 |

As you may recall, Kanye West and Wiz Khalifa got into a bizarre Twitter feud over the weekend, where Kanye strung an odd combination of words together that didn’t mean anything by themselves but certainly captured the spirit of meaning. In Kanye’s head, he probably thought he was dropping a six-ton mic on Khalifa with such gems as, “I am your OG,” and “You own waves??? I own your child!!!”

The real star of that Twitter feud, however, was Kanye’s ex, Amber Rose, who did the impossible: She silenced Kanye.

And she embarrassed the poor guy by revealing one of Kanye’s sexual preferences.

Kanye didn’t immediately respond to the suggestion that he liked to take phalanages in his Cheney, but after the hashtag caught fire and he had two days to ruminate on it, Kanye finally issued his denial.

So, there you go, folks. Kanye isn’t into one-in-the-stink and when he and Kim Kardashian divorce, they will be best friends. Or something like that.

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