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Just Some of the Best GIFs of 2018

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | December 13, 2018 |

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | December 13, 2018 |


Well it’s been one helluva year, huh? I’m seeing a lot of those ‘Holy shit, [X] happened this year?!’ posts popping up all over the internet as we drift towards the final days of 2018, and every single time I am shocked by them as much as their poster intends. Like, I’m usually pretty immune or resistant to these things, but… Black Panther? 2018? Really?! You must be having me on. But nope—that was February. 2018. I have to check it every. Single. Time. I dunno whether it’s just me getting older, or because the world is sliding so fast down a chute of terror and chaos and we’re all dizzy from the ride, but 2018 has definitely fit more year into its year than a normal year is supposed to. In that spirit I bring you a list of my personal favourite GIFs of the year. GIFs are the pillars of modern meme making. Once we had LOLcats and motivational posters, these days the looped capsule moments of GIFs reign supreme. I’m all for it. GIFs are great. Open up another wing in the Smithsonian for them. But until that happens, let’s take a short jaunt through 2018 via this dynamic little medium…

Trump boards Air Force One with toilet paper stuck to his shoe from r/gifs
Mark Zuckerbot at his congress hearing from r/gifs
Suspicious fish is suspicious from r/gifs
This reporter deserves an Emmy Award for his performance from r/gifs
I wonder if the roads were any better from r/gifs
Attachment for wheelchairs. from r/gifs
Finnish ski jumping team from r/gifs
It’s all downhill from here. from r/gifs
“I will not take the medicine” from r/gifs
You would not believe how many tries this took me. from r/gifs
My girlfriend said it was beginner’s luck but I’ve been scared of her ever since. from r/gifs
Young love in nyc from r/gifs
This guy is going viral. Soon after, staffers moved in and made him move out of the background. I guess the truth hurts. from r/gifs
There are two types of girls at 2 AM from r/gifs
Surgical precision… from r/gifs
Lady and The Golden. from r/gifs
Move officer, make way for flip-flop man from r/gifs
Escaping the Paradise Camp Fire from r/gifs
So happy to see you. from r/gifs
Respect for this guy, who accidentally takes a selfie instead of a picture of the new Real Madrid coach from r/gifs
That’s one hell of a throw from r/gifs
Play like women and not like neymar.. from r/gifs
Dog thrown from plane into the abyss below from r/gifs
Trump in inexplicably decides to put his water bottle of the floor. Pence has no other choice but to follow suit. from r/gifs
Shortest gun range visit ever from r/gifs
World’s first standing double backflip on flat from r/gifs
Good boy is a real gentleman from r/gifs
Trump walks off leaving Travolta standing alone at G20 from r/gifs
The Broadway cast of “Frozen” has had enough of your shit, sir. from r/gifs
Seal slaps a kayaker in the face with an octopus from r/gifs

Header Image Source: Reddit