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Is Your State One of the Top 5 Most Embarrassing Google Searchers?

By Cindy Davis | Social Media | August 27, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Social Media | August 27, 2015 |

Forget political candidate support; what the hell are people in your state Googling? More specifically, what embarrassing search terms are they entering? (And is that really a consideration for homebuyers?) Real estate blog Estately takes their job very seriously, because in addition to the usual analyses of great places to live, they dig so much further — with lists of States Most Likely to Experience a Sharknado (Florida, Texas, Louisiana), Where the Most Enthusiastic Patriots Fans Live (Warwick, RI, Fall River, MA, Haverhill, MA), and my favorite, the sometimes terrifying What Does Each State Have More Than Any Other (AL - racist tweets, AK - hate groups, MO - meth lab incidents, IA - lost chickens, CO - unvaccinated children, DE - registered sex offenders). You could seriously get lost all morning over there, not that I know anything about that.

But back to the states with the most embarrassing web searches; after looking through 11 years of data, Estately parsed out what they deemed to be the most embarrassing search terms for each state, and the results are pretty interesting. Of course, being the complete non-expert that I am, I’ve used a similar, utterly unscientific method to (almost randomly!) choose the top five states with the most embarrassing Google searches, so you can brag laugh if you live in one — or run screaming, as the case may be.

In order of increasing shame:

Runner-Up, Maryland:


Search Terms: “Pleated pants / crabs louse (not the edible crabs Maryland is famous for) / Am I a virgin?”

5. Tennessee


Search terms: “Is Bigfoot real? / Obama conspiracies / Where is the G spot?”

4. Oklahoma


Search terms: “Supernumary nipple (third nipple) / ISIS videos / Toby Keith / pumpkin spice latte / Westboro Baptist Church”

3. West Virginia


Search terms: “Hot Pockets / lice / scabies (tied with Kentucky) / skin rash (image search) / “Beavis and Butt-head” (animated TV show) / tattoo ideas / gay jokes / black jokes / chastity belt / “Who Let the Dogs Out?” (song)”

2. Indiana


Search terms: “How big is average? / Arby’s / Jared Fogle / Where is Syria? / Where is Africa? / free tattoo ideas / white civil rights”

1. Mississippi


Search terms: “Gonorrhea / chlamydia / feet photos (image search) / penis enlargement / male enhancement / R. Kelly (musical performer) / Aryan Brotherhood / Blind Melon (band)”

Have fun perusing all the states’ search terms/header photo via here.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)