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What Do Rahul Kohli's Farts Have to Do with 'The Haunting Of Bly Manor?' Only His Amazing Twitter Feed Will Tell You

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | October 19, 2020 |

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | October 19, 2020 |


I’m not much of a horror fan. I’ll admit that’s partly due to relative ignorance. I haven’t seen too many horror films in my time. I loved Get Out. Don’t Look Now is fantastic, but is it fully ‘horror’? Let the Right One In is amazing, but does it count as horror? Or does that fall under the ‘vampire’ umbrella instead. I guess it’s a bit of both. And Snyder’s Dawn of the Dead—great fun, but is that zombie, or horror, or both? My horror ignorance extends to not being aware of where exactly horror aficionados draw the boundaries of the genre.

Anyway, what I’m getting at is that I just don’t watch that much horror. My girlfriend, however, loves the stuff. Loves it. She’s got great taste too, so when she recommended I watch Netflix’s The Haunting Of Hill House, I dived right in despite my slight apathy to the genre. I’m very glad I did because I really enjoyed Hill House. It was exactly what I do want out of horror if I ever watch it: An intense feeling of dread instead of a reliance on jump scares, and—crucially—a grounding of the horror in deep character work where the real horror is more likely to be the psychological or social minefield that humanity treads.

I watched Hill House only a few months ago, so my excitement was high in the run up to its successor, The Haunting of Bly Manor. Sadly, Bly Manor felt to me like a bit of a let down after the highs of Hill House. There was less dread, the hauntings weren’t as deftly integrated with the themes or characters, and the writing in general wasn’t as strong. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still good TV. It just didn’t live up to the very high bar that Hill House had set. I suspect the series may struggle with that going forward. Hill House may well be showrunner Mike Flanagan’s equivalent of the first Boston album.

One area in which Bly Manor definitely didn’t slip was its casting and performances. Pretty much uniformly excellent, a particular highlight is old Pajiba favourite, Rahul Kohli, who plays Bly Manor’s resident chef and moustache host, Owen. We’ve been fans of Kohli here for a while. By all impressions, he seems like a top lad, and we want nothing but good things for him (he’s also an avid gamer, and a Londoner, so I feel like me and him are best mates already). Kohli’s been taking to his Twitter celebrating the hell out of Bly Manor since its release, and it’s proven a predictable delight:

Warning: Some spoilers ahead.

This last one has nothing to do with Bly Manor really but I have to include because if you didn’t already like Kohli you will now: