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Hugh Jackman and Jim Carrey Swap Roles in the Latest Entry in the Deepfake Files

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | March 2, 2021 |

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | March 2, 2021 |


It was in 1997 that British duo The Chemical Brothers released their single ‘Block Rockin’ Beats’, which featured the repeated refrain ‘Back with another one of those block rockin’ beats’, that had itself been sampled from American rapper Schoolly D’s 1989 track, ‘Gucci Again’. Well, now it’s 2021 and I’m giving the line another spin, as I come back with another one of those cursed deepfakes!

You, uh…

You have to read ‘cursed’ in that old-timey way where you split it into two syllables—‘cur-sed’—otherwise it doesn’t scan as we—…ah, forget it!

Deepfakes. Whether they’re fixing Disney’s lifeless Lion King remake, making films characters sing ‘All Star’, or—sigh—pasting Donald Trump’s face onto a baby, this is one interesting tech to keep an eye on. Because, you know, there’s also all the awful misogynistic applications of it, and it can be used for smearing activists and other such heinous things. As Naomi Klein says, information is shock resistance. So what better way to keep our eye on deepfake tech and ensure we’re armed with knowledge, than some mildly entertaining ways like seeing Hugh Jackman and Jim Carrey swap roles in that awful Ace Ventura sequel and that awful Wolverine film written by one half of the Game Of Thrones-ruining duo.