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How One Man Turned An Onslaught Of Unsolicited Dick Pics Into Comedy Gold

By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | November 4, 2015 |

By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | November 4, 2015 |

Imagine you’re at home after a long day, cozied up on the couch watching some Seinfeld reruns and cuddling with a loved one. And then your phone chirps to reveal a random dick pic from an unknown sender. ‘Weird,’ you might think, not knowing this will be the first of many that will come your way that night, along with a slew of confused texts from DTF dudes.

This was the bizarre experience of Uproxx Senior Entertainment Writer Mike Ryan. But rather than suffer silently, Ryan live-tweeted the onslaught of dongs, transforming his night time annoyance into a raunchy, sometimes sweet, and often hysterical series of exchanges we all can enjoy.

NSFW Warning: clicking linked photos will result in seeing cropped dick pics.

After a pretty crazy day on Twitter, it’s Ryan’s friend/colleague Matt Singer who sums it up best:

Kristy Puchko tried to find a SFW “dick pic” for the header. Here’s how that went.