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Here's What 'Alt-Right' Really Means According to #AltRightMeans

By Courtney Enlow | Social Media | August 25, 2016 |

By Courtney Enlow | Social Media | August 25, 2016 |

The alt-right is in the news today, thanks to the utterly abhorrent doxxing of Leslie Jones and the fact that Donald Trump is somehow still even a remote possibility for pusher of the button that destroys us all, as highlighted in a speech today from Hillary Clinton. But what is the alt-right? Twitter has the answers.

Here’s what it means according to those who identify as such:

(By the way, that’s a Hitler quote, not a Taylor Swift quote. I’m assuming Vendetta doesn’t know that.)

And here’s what it means to those who have a slightly different opinion on the matter (which is very much my own opinion on the matter):

Here’s what it actually means:
