By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | May 18, 2018 |
By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | May 18, 2018 |
True crime enthusiasts have a deep appreciation for the detectives, who against all odds secure justice for victims and their families. And if you’re a chiseled, dashingly handsome detective who had a hand in capturing The Golden State Killer, all the better. Which is to say, murderinos have been going gaga over the Contra Costa County District Attorney’s Office investigator Paul Holes, in part because My Favorite Murder co-hosts Karen Kilgarriff and Georgia Hardstark sang his praises and commended his crush-worthiness on their popular podcast.
This sparked the awkwardly named hashtag #HotForHoles, in which admirers share photos, fan art, and memes of this truly hunky 50-year-old detective.
It looks like Paul holes is judging me for my dirty thoughts, and I’m into it. #hotforholes #paulholes #iloveyou #ihavedaddyissues @KarenKilgariff @GHardstark
— LaKie Ginest (@Lakieginest) May 4, 2018
I can’t NOT add to this hashtag campaign…I was #HotforHoles before it was even a thing â˜ºï¸
— Kasey Galentine (@KaseyGalentine) May 9, 2018
The ID GO APP!!! #hotforholes
— Sara Coates (@slcoates) April 30, 2018
#hotforholes @MyFavMurder
— tyler (@t_whyla) May 10, 2018
The new dating standard for murderinos has been set at Level Holes. #wwphd #hotforholes #MFM @PaulHoles @KarenKilgariff @GHardstark
— gina marie (@giname80) May 9, 2018
Not long after the arrest of Golden State Killer suspect Joseph James DeAngelo, Holes joined Twitter. And being far from freaked out by the hashtag that bears his name and our collective lust, he tweeted:
First, absolutely flattered by #HotforHoles. Some talent behind some of that artwork. Second, I'll see how I can get that blue check mark so everybody can feel confidant this is me.
— Paul Holes (@PaulHoles) May 9, 2018
Though new to Twitter and internet fame, it was no time before he was multi-tasking like a pro, pushing Twitter to verify his account with a thirst tweet.
Gunning for the elusive Blue Check Mark. Top of the hill on a trail run as I try to get back in shape after the last few weeks. #It_is_me
— Paul Holes (@PaulHoles) May 14, 2018
Holes has also been reaching out to his 12 thousand plus followers to seek witnesses for other unsolved cases. Plus, he’s been sweetly responsive to fans, and revealed his awareness of My Favorite Murder’s fandom and most famous catchphrase.
We don't want to go down that road. Stay safe!
— Paul Holes (@PaulHoles) May 16, 2018
I blew it! Still trying to get the hang of this Twitter thing.
— Paul Holes (@PaulHoles) May 16, 2018
But my fellow murderinos, Holes took things up a notch last night when he suggestively tweeted at Kilgariff. Here’s the exchange that had us gasping in glee and jealousy. It began with the podcaster/comedienne tweeting while on My Favorite Murder’s European tour, and a cheeky response from a pun-loving fan account.
— Karen Kilgargifs (@karenkilgargif) May 16, 2018
Now that is a wink!
— Paul Holes (@PaulHoles) May 17, 2018
— Karen Kilgariff (@KarenKilgariff) May 17, 2018
Whew…the pressure. Maybe, just maybe she'll…. Oh, I don't know for sure. I gotta try…
— Paul Holes (@PaulHoles) May 17, 2018
Hi Paul Holes.
— Karen Kilgariff (@KarenKilgariff) May 18, 2018
Hi Karen!
— Paul Holes (@PaulHoles) May 18, 2018
Nice to meet you. I think we'd make a good team. 😀
OK - the lack of a Blue Check Mark is now getting serious. Don't blow this for me Twitter!
— Paul Holes (@PaulHoles) May 18, 2018
Karen - please, please believe. #SSDGM
— Karen Kilgariff (@KarenKilgariff) May 18, 2018
Sorry, but shipping you two so hard right now!!! (not sorry)
— Lotus 🖤 (@aSoftBlackStar) May 18, 2018
Someone get a writer on this pilot STAT.
— Allison King (@allisonking) May 18, 2018
I’m getting a vulnerability contact high.
— Sam (@sgwellman) May 18, 2018
Sometimes Twitter is good.