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Give Yourself and Any Remaining Remnants of Summer to the Dancing Pumpkin Twitter

By Courtney Enlow | Social Media | September 9, 2016 |

By Courtney Enlow | Social Media | September 9, 2016 |

Once Labor Day is over, it’s fall. You drink your damn PSL (I’m a salted caramel mocha girl myself) and you wear sweaters and knit hats and you sweat because it’s 80 degrees but it’s FALL.

And nothing is letting me live the fall life of my dreams quite like the “pumpkin dancing to” Twitter account, @dancingpmkin.

Using that still weird, still massively memetic footage from some Omaha news station (here’s the original if your life hasn’t been touched by its wonder), @dancingpmkin is adding the glorious pumpkin dance to all manner of songstylings.

Like that song that plays when you’re making your Mii on Wii.

And “Single Ladies” by Beyoncé.

The “Bill Nye the Science Guy” theme song.

“This Is Halloween” from Nightmare Before Christmas.

“My Neck, My Back” by Khai (which if you’ve somehow never heard is NSFW unless you work in a pussies-and-buttholes factory)

The Education Connection commercial song.

“Milkshake” by Kelis

Finally, my favorite and yours fine mostly just mine, “All-Star” by Smashmouth.

BONUS: As an ardent lover of autumn AND the holiday season, LITERALLY THIS ME.