By Petr Navovy | Social Media | March 31, 2016 |
By Petr Navovy | Social Media | March 31, 2016 |
Did you hear?
That Batman V Superman movie came out not long ago.
Pajiba’s own TK reviewed it, and, uh, wasn’t the biggest fan.
Which, apparently, was the case with a lot of critics:
On the other hand, it’s achieved the fourth-largest global opening of all time. Some might say that a movie combining the audience-pulling power of two of the most iconic superheroes of all time with a promise of locking them into gladiatorial combat while throwing a third ultra-iconic hero into the mix was always on track to make mega bucks, but whatever the case, a lot of of people have seen it.
So critics hated it; a tonne of people saw it; and the ever-befuddling ‘expectations V experience’ barometer that is Cinemascore gave it a B. That’s the same as The Green Lantern and Catwoman.
There’s a lot of information to parse, basically.
One fan, however, has decided that he’s heard enough and has decided to just take matters into his own hands, starting a petition to boot Mr Snyder off directing duties, saying:
Zack Snyder is not the person to bring the Justice League to the big screen. He’s had two chances now to adapt DC characters and has produced middling results.Even if you loved Man of Steel and BvS. There has to come a time when WB and DC want someone at the helm that can create something that WON’T divide people in such a way.
The building blocks are there for a great different set of superhero movies. Good actors and actresses and even directors. Zack Snyder is just not the guy that should be in charge of the biggest and most important films in the franchise. Especially with his track record now.
Funnily enough that’s just the public-facing blurb of the online petition. The site in question also allows for people to view the full text that is to be delivered to the organisation being petitioned — in this case Warner Brothers:
Say what you want about the movie, Snyder, and the ‘critics v public’ argument, but one thing’s for sure: this dude doesn’t mess around.
You can view, and sign if you wish, the petition here.
Petr Knava plays music most of the time but, sure, if he’s needed he’ll give directing the next DC movie a shot.