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Explore Zoos, Haunted Hotels, And Other Places With These Live-Feed Cams

By Jodi Smith | Social Media | April 23, 2020 |

By Jodi Smith | Social Media | April 23, 2020 |


Sometimes you just need some new scenery, you know? Alas, responsible people are limiting their exposure to other people, making it difficult to get a view that isn’t provided by a window in the house. YouTube, luckily, has a ton of live-feed channels providing views of zoos, allegedly haunted locations, once-busy cities, and more.

I’ve collected a list to get you started.

The Knickerbocker Hotel in Los Angeles opened in 1920 and had many strange occurrences on its premises before becoming a low-income apartment building in the 1970s. Multiple stars stayed under its roof, with Harry Houdini’s widow holding a seance on the roof in 1936 to reach out to her husband’s spirit. Other spirits said to roam the halls include Marilyn Monroe and Rudolph Valentino.

The live-stream gives you access to a room so you can see for yourself if the hauntings are real.

Monterey Bay’s Shark Cam

Wolong Grove Panda Cam

Kitten Academy

Live Feeds Of Security Cams In A “Haunted” And Abandoned Police Station In Accrington, UK

NASA/ISS Live Stream

Banzai Pipeline Cam

Live Royal Albatross Cam - #RoyalCam - New Zealand Dept. of Conservation | Cornell Lab

Crittervision Camera

Times Square