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Ben Carson.jpg

#BenCarsonWikipedia Is The Best Thing To Come Out Of Ben Carson's Campaign

By Emily Cutler | Social Media | November 10, 2015 |

By Emily Cutler | Social Media | November 10, 2015 |

Poor Donald Trump. Not only has he slipped in the polls for the presidential race, but he’s also fallen out of the top position in the Batshittiest Crazy Stuff Said race. In both cases, the new winner is Ben Carson. And where Ben Carson wins, logic, facts, and the American public on the whole generally lose.

Which is thankfully where Twitter comes in. By now I’m sure you’ve heard Carson’s “The Pyramids Were Built So Joseph Could Store Grain” theory, but really it’s better if you see it in action:

ron swanson yep.gif
As a neurosurgeon, Carson would be able to tell you this is how the scientific method goes. You find a fact that doesn’t fit within your own previously developed understanding of an object, make assumptions to explain that fact based solely on your own personal knowledge of the world in general, and then stick with that assumption regardless of all the contradictory evidence a hundred years’ worth of research can throw at you.

But you’ve got a long way until the election, Ben. So Twitter has stepped up with all of the other science-y related things you might believe because who the fuck knows anymore.

And my personal favorite:

God bless you, Twitter. I, like Carson on evolution, might not fully understand you, but I’m glad that you exist.