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All The Best Answers From Amy Poehler's #SmartGirlsAsk At The Golden Globes

By Emily Cutler | Social Media | January 12, 2016 |

By Emily Cutler | Social Media | January 12, 2016 |

Everybody remember the #AskHerMore campaign? It seemed like it kind of disappeared for the Golden Globes, right? Maybe it was the way that the Globes seemingly snuck up on everyone, but I don’t think I saw anything about it for this ceremony. And while the optimistic side of me hopes that’s because we’ve actually incorporated the goals of #AskHerMore into the red carpet questions, the pessimistic side is grateful that Amy Poehler’s #SmartGirlsAsk is still happening. Check out some of the best answers from the Twitter campaign.

Sly’s Daughters showing that their dad isn’t the only one in the family who has something to say.

Rachel Bloom dropping some serious truth about why more women should be involved in the creative process in TV and movies (even if I might take issue with the idea that women are inherently better listeners; that I’m sure she and I could hash out once we’ve become best friends.)

A short but awesome answer from Brie Larson.

Maura Tierney proving why she’s who I want to be when I grow up.

Jon Hamm being the Hammiest.

Emmy Rossum talking about not taking “no” for an answer which is definitely a Fiona thing to do.

And finally the guys from Mr. Robot giving surprisingly great advice.

See all the other great answers at Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls.