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Woefully Unprepared Jon Stewart Compares Jennifer Lawrence to Young Helen Mirren, Blows No One's Mind

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | November 22, 2013 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | November 22, 2013 |

Jennifer Lawrence ended her Catching Fire press tour last night on The Daily Show, and as is often the case when it comes to his celebrity interviews, Jon Stewart didn’t bother to prepare (it works for him). In fact, Stewart didn’t really even seem to know what the Hunger Games movies were about, although he did note his flabbergastation (new word!) with the Breaking News Alert on CNN notifying him that Lawrence had had her hair cut (Lawrence also noted it was the weirdest thing that had ever happened to her, as well).

It’s all a very charming, daffy interview, as they all are with Jennifer Lawrence, but I was particularly tickled by the notion that Jon Stewart had to compare Lawrence with a young Helen Mirren, suggesting that the comparison would blow Lawrence’s mind. It did not. In fact, I don’t think anyone has ever considered the comparison. It’s not even worth consideration. But the attempt was cute, as was Lawrence’s typical transparency, in revealing that everyone on the The Daily Show staff had come up to her at some point to tell her that Jon Stewart wouldn’t’ prepare any questions, probably wouldn’t talk about the movie, and would be woefully unprepared. They then offered her tequila.