By Vivian Kane | Videos | August 4, 2015 |
By Vivian Kane | Videos | August 4, 2015 |
Whenever Saturday Night Live releases one of their “Cut For Time” sketches, it’s a double edged sword. One of those edges gets to enjoy Bill Hader making weird faces or watch better political commentary than the show has done in years, but the other side of that sword is made of pure confusion. Okay, they’re not all winners, but more often than not, these cut sketches are better than most of what was left in. Take this one from Michael Keaton’s episode, for instance. You may not find it funny (although it has its moments— most notably, as always, Kenan reacting to things), but it’s better than 90% of his episode as it aired. Because that episode was atrocious. This sketch is… weird, but Keaton is embracing the weirdness in a way that kinda, mostly works.