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Whoopi Goldberg Would Like to Help Wes Anderson De-Whiten His Movies (Autoplay Video)

By Vivian Kane | Videos | June 19, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Videos | June 19, 2015 |

Jason Schwartzman and Adam Scott stopped by The View today to promote their new naked movie, The Overnight. Whoopi Goldberg, however, had less interest in talking about that movie than she did in taking advantage of this one degree of separation from Wes Anderson. As it happens, Goldberg, like many of us, is a fan of Anderson’s work, though she’s noticed and is concerned over his predilection for mostly white casts. Adopting an odd valley girl accent and handing over a resume (her ACTUAL resume, as Adam Scott marvels at), she asks Schwartzman to put in a good word for her.

I love all the Wes Anderson movies. So, I noticed there’s not a lot of folks of color, and I thought I would like to give you my resume to give to Wes Anderson. Just to let him know I’m available.

Goldberg’s delivery is awkward, but her point is valid. And Schwartzman’s reaction is perfect.

Let me tell you one thing: I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable, and I’m sure a lot of people tell you this, but to me, you mean an awful lot because you are an incredible person who has given me so many things to be excited about and interested in and fascinated by, so thank you, for all of your work, truly.

Via Jezebel.