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Who Better to Write the New 'Late Show' Theme Song Than Stephen Colbert? No One, That's Who

By Vivian Kane | Videos | June 8, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Videos | June 8, 2015 |

Stephen Colbert is gearing up for his return to television (RIP Colbeard), and that means one thing: to-do lists. First up: Late Show needs a new theme song. Apparently Colbert isn’t great at delegating, but that’s a win for us because it means we get treated to the musical stylings of his improvised keyboard-playing, rhyme-making skills.

According to that list behind him, he’s well on his way to being ready. All he has left is “Find things to say,” “Find more things to say,” followed by some refreshment, wardrobe, and drug habit issues.