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What If Hannah Horvath Wrote For 'Late Night With Seth Meyers'?

By Kristy Puchko | Videos | March 20, 2015 |

By Kristy Puchko | Videos | March 20, 2015 |

Seth would be asking people about their fetishes, masturbation influences, and maybe trying out Molly. Basically, it’d be the kind of show we’d regularly share clips from instead of the “also ran” of late night.

This clip kind of makes me wish Lena Dunham would do more talk shows in character. What can I say, I’m a sucker for the awkwardness and self-obsession that is Hannah. But since this sketch puts us in a late night talk show writers’ room, let’s take a second to compare fact and fiction, shall we?

Hannah calls out Seth for being one of a swath of white male late night hosts. But those same shows regularly get dogged for their lack of diversity in the writers room. This pitch meeting was 50/50 men and women, and 50/50 white and people of color. (Yes, if we exclude Seth). But here’s the list of actual writers for Late Night.

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I’ve done the image searching for you. Most of this crew is white dudes. The non white-dude contingent of the Late Night staff was corralled for this sketch, to suggest diversity where there’s barely any.


Kristy Puchko believes spring will never come, and she blames you.