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Watch These 'Captain America: Winter Soldier' Bloopers Because There's Nothing Like a Giggly Superhero

By Vivian Kane | Videos | August 5, 2014 |

By Vivian Kane | Videos | August 5, 2014 |

I had temporarily forgotten just how much I loved Captain America: Bucky Forever until I came across this blooper reel today. But if you already had a full load of love for the movie before you saw Robert Redford forget which franchise he’s in, or learned Anthony Mackie’s real-life catchphrase, prepare to have your heart explode.

The (so far unembeddable) full outtakes reel will be on the DVD/Blu-ray released later in August and you can also watch it here.

Here’s a short teaser, if you refuse to click that link for whatever reason. But seriously, click it. Watch it.

Vivian Kane would also like to see the Wesley Snipes version.