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Watch The 'Happy Endings' Cast Reunite For Lost Episode

By Kristy Puchko | Videos | December 13, 2016 |

By Kristy Puchko | Videos | December 13, 2016 |

Amid the raging dumpster fire that is 2016, there have been moments of glorious good. One of these was when the cast of the cruelly cancelled and criminally under-appreciated Happy Endings reunited at EW’s PopFest to perform a table read of a “lost episode.”

Giving fans the closure—or dare I say happy ending—ABC robbed us of, the new script “Happy to Be Here” picks up several years after the wedding ep that proved to be the series finale. Turns out, moments after the credits rolled over the six friends dancing, Penny (Casey Wilson), Max (Adam Pally), Brad (Damon Wayans, Jr.), Jane (Eliza Coupe), Alex (Elisha Cuthbert), and Dave (Zachary Knighton) got into a massive group-shattering fight. This lost episode tells us how they GET BACK TOGETHER TO BE BEST FRIENDS AND DO WACKY GROUP COSTUMES FOREVER RIGHT!?

Find out by watching the full table read below, courtesy of EW:

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Now maybe you’re like, “Yes, yes. This is lovely. But wouldn’t it be AHMAHZING if the show could just come back completely?” It would. And creator David Caspe hasn’t given up hope:

“All of us love it and would totally do it. But unfortunately, nobody has stepped up to do it. Now there are more problems obviously because Elisha’s on a show (Netflix’s The Ranch) and Pally is on a show (Fox’s Making History). You never know. Arrested Development was off the air for longer than this and all those people had shows. The key is the people involved wanting to do it, and that we have. But then sadly the lock that our key does not fit into is the lock on the money and someone wanting to air it.”

Sounds like a job for Netflix, resurrector of such long-dead properties as Arrested Development, Wet Hot American Summer, Full House and Gilmore Girls. Let’s make this a thing. With GIFs.

Kristy Puchko always goes to slop yobs.

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