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A Montage Of Every 'Best Visual Effects' Oscar Winner Allows Us To See The Shrinking Chasm Between Imagination And Reality

By Petr Navovy | Videos | February 27, 2017 |

By Petr Navovy | Videos | February 27, 2017 |

Some sort of awards do happened last night?

I dunno, I was asleep. Because I live in a proper timezone, America.


Anyway, turns out it was an interesting one, to say the least.

But I’m sure there’s already been plenty of discussion of the excitement and the drama elsewhere. I wanted to highlight instead one of those quieter segments of the Academy Awards. There’s never really as much fanfare about it compared to the louder, more prestigious awards, but ‘Best Visual Effects’ is in many ways a really fascinating through line of the movie industry. While movies as a medium naturally rest on the twin pillars of Character and Story, they are of course a fundamentally visual medium too, and—just like the rest of humanity—their fate and their evolution is tied to the exponential technological innovation that is the hallmark of our species. To see the change in visual effects capability is to see the chasm between imagination and reality grow smaller and smaller. Luckily, the people over at Burger Fiction have put together quite a compelling montage of all of the winners of the ‘Best Visual Effects’ Oscar over the years that allows us to see this chasm shrinking before our very eyes. Check it out:


Petr Knava
lives in London and plays music