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Watch Amy Schumer Annihilate a Sexist Heckler

By Vivian Kane | Videos | September 1, 2016 |

By Vivian Kane | Videos | September 1, 2016 |

Amy Schumer has become one of those people it feels uncomfortable to praise, at least at the moment, because of our disappointment at just how poorly she managed to handle the internet meltdown of her friend and former (by way of technicality) employee, Kurt Metzger. We don’t need to get into all the details again of how her status as an undeniably feminist figure is undermined by her loyalty to such an awful, aggressively misogynistic jerkwad. We’ve been through it all already.

But no matter what our feelings on Schumer might be at the moment, it’s nice to know that when some idiot audience member chooses to yell out, “Show us your tits,” at one of her shows, she’s still ready with the kind of response that we came to love her for.

What do we think this guy, who was less-than-politely requesting she expose herself only TWO MINUTES into her show in Stockholm, could possibly have been expecting? It’s not like he just wandered into an open mic at his local bar and was amazed that there was a woman onstage. He had to have paid a TON of money for that good of a seat, just to— what? See if the slutty comedian was DTF?

After stopping her set, thoroughly embarrassing him, and having him removed by security, the capper is the fact that she released the video herself, on her own YouTube channel, with the end tag of “I’m With Her.” Just to really make it clear that this wasn’t about heckling a comedian. This was about harassing a woman, specifically, a woman who has built her career on owning her right to be sexual in whatever way she feels like it.