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Watch a Young Jordan Peele Ask Then-President Bill Clinton What He's Going to Do About Deadbeat Dads

By Vivian Kane | Videos | September 16, 2014 |

By Vivian Kane | Videos | September 16, 2014 |

Back in 1993, then-President Clinton sat down to shoot the sh*t with Peter Jennings and a bunch of kids and teenagers. It’s a fascinating program, and you can watch the whole video here, if you’ve got two spare hours to watch Clinton be charming and have a remarkably honest conversation with a bunch of kids, interspersed with Steve Urkel teaching us how a law is passed (at the 28:20 mark) and Chelsea popping in with Socks the cat (1:20:30).

You could also just watch this brief clip of the last question of the day, which came from an ADORABLE way-pre-Key Jordan Peele. Peele talked about this moment with Kevin Pollack recently, and a YouTuber tracked down the footage, which Jordan then tweeted with a fantastic warning.

Via Uproxx.