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Warning: Super Cuddly Darth Vader May Cause Brain Breakage

By Vivian Kane | Videos | April 7, 2014 |

By Vivian Kane | Videos | April 7, 2014 |

Jim Cummings is a voice actor with over 400 credits to his name. Go ahead, think of an animated show or movie. Yeah, he was in it. One of his biggest roles, though, is that of Winnie the Pooh, which he’s been doing since 1988. So when Cummings reads Star Wars dialogue as Winnie the Pooh (with a little Darkwing Duck thrown in for good measure), he does it absolutely perfectly.

This is an older video (from ConnectiCon 2013) but it’s been making the rounds, so if you’ve never heard Winnie the Pooh get worked up over rebel alliances, take a few minutes to make some synapses misfire.

Via Cinema Blend