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Trump's Campaign Was Predicted By ABC's 'Dinosaurs'

By Kristy Puchko | Videos | October 25, 2016 |

By Kristy Puchko | Videos | October 25, 2016 |

Just when you think this election season can get no more ridiculous, you will be smacked upside the face with another astonishing reveal about The Republican Babadook, like how Donald Trump is essentially a dinosaur. More specifically, the best word-spouting blowhard is
Bradley P. Richfield, of ABC’s beloved ’90s series Dinosaurs.

In an 8-minute video essay, Matt Orfalea compares actual quotes from Donald Trump to the rage-filled rants and scathing scorns of the seething stegosaurus, tackling everything from a shared distaste for blue-collared workers, rejection of environmental protection, sexism, and just general bullying tactics. It’s probably not even going to be the most bonkers thing about Trump this week. But it’s an excuse to marvel at the GOP’s roaring trash fire while simultaneously indulging in some wistful nostalgia.