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Tina Fey and Julia Louis Dreyfus Join Amy Schumer To Tackle Women, Aging and Hollywood

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | April 22, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | April 22, 2015 |

Besides last night’s brilliant Friday Night Lights rape parody (CLEAR EYES, FULL HEARTS, DON’T RAPE), there was another gem of a sketch in the season premiere of Inside Amy Schumer. Tina Fey, Julia Louis Dreyfus and Patricia Arquette joined Amy Schumer in a sketch about “The Last Fuckable Day,” a celebration in which older actresses acknowledge the moment in which they’re no longer considered “fuckable” in Hollywood.

“You know how Sally Fields was Tom Hanks’ love interest in Punchline,” Tina Fey says, “and then, like, 20 minutes later she was his mom in Forrest Gump?” Sometime in between those movies, Fields had her last fuckable day.

And men, when do they have their last fuckable day? “Men don’t have that day. They’re fuckable forever. They could be a hundred and nothing but [mimes jacking off motion] white spiders coming out, but they’re fuckable.”

By the way, Nichole Holofcener — who frequently casts older women in brilliant, sexual roles — directed the sketch.