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This Live Action Anime Fight is Pure Dynamite

By Petr Navovy | Videos | July 1, 2019 |

By Petr Navovy | Videos | July 1, 2019 |


Christopher Clark Cowan is a filmmaker who has worked as a camera operator on big budget Hollywood fare like Solo and Kingsman: The Golden Circle. He’s also logged credits as a second unit director, assistant director, and action designer on some pretty big names according to his IMDB page. That last one is most apparent in a short video he released last week, a live action homage to anime-style fight scenes that is just a pure joy to watch. Check this out:

As Christopher says below the video:

It’s been 4 years since I last shot something for myself… I’ll make sure to never wait that long again. The industry can really drain the life out of you at times but it feels REALLY good to remind myself how much I love action filmmaking.

I think I speak for everyone when I say: Yes! Do not wait that long again. More please.

Header Image Source: YouTube