By Cindy Davis | Videos | May 28, 2014 |
By Cindy Davis | Videos | May 28, 2014 |
How hard is it to make a great Doctor Who teaser, especially when Peter Capaldi is helming the TARDIS? For a true fan, it wasn’t difficult at all to outdo the official BBC video that slinked onto the webosphere last week (making hardly a sound). After my initial excitement we were finally getting some news, I watched the fifteen second BBC video and pretty much scoffed — “There’s nothing more than a shadow!” Here, have a look for yourself:
Gosh, could you spare the footage guys? Insert snore here, am I right?
Now, check out John Smith’s gorgeous homemade teaser:
This one made you feel actual excitement, right? It almost looked as if Clara recognized *her* Doctor again. Hey BBC, time to hire a new promo guy!
Meanwhile, our Old Pal Moffat (OPM) spoke about the possibility of casting a female Doctor at Wales’ annual Hay Festival. When asked if he would ever consider a woman, Moffat indicated he would if she were the right person:
“I don’t know why I’m the one who gets the grief for this. I’m the one who put the dialogue into the show to say it can happen…Do you know how it will happen? It will not happen that somebody sits down and says we must turn the Doctor into a woman. That is not how you cast the Doctor.”
“A person will pop into the showrunner’s head and they’ll think. ‘Oh, my God, what if it was that person?’ And when that person is a woman, that’s the day it will happen…Casting is the dark arts of television. It is everything. That decision is central and absolute to everything you do. It’s the difference between a television programme and a sensation.
“So you don’t mess around with that; you don’t cast for any other reason than for passion and for aesthetics. It’s not a political decision, it’s an aesthetic decision and will always be.” (via The Telegraph)
So, I guess if he feels struck by the idea of a particular person? I’m thinking we shouldn’t hold our collective breath.
Cindy Davis, (Twitter) awaits August and Capaldi’s glorious turn.