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This Cross-Gendered Sia/Star Wars Mashup Is Everything the Internet Was Made For

By Vivian Kane | Videos | September 24, 2014 |

By Vivian Kane | Videos | September 24, 2014 |

In early YouTube days, the standard for what made a good video was basically just anything with a baby animal. This trend (obviously, factually) peaked with Hamlet the mini pig learning how to go down stairs. Now the criteria for good internet content is more complex.

The current standard is, of course, the musical mash-up. Bonus points for sincerity and actual talent. +5 for nerd/geek content. +3 for non-mocking cross-gender cosplay. -10 if the content being mashed is more than 6 months old. (“Classic” geekery does not apply.) Basically, this Sia video, originally featuring a young girl being weird as sh*t (as young girls are wont to do when they think no one’s around), redone by a Wookie-smitten male Leia, is everything the internet was invented for. It’s time to shut down YouTube, you guys. We’ve hit our peak. It’s done.

Via HitFix.