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The World Is a Sad, Messed Up Place: Child Sings "Ain't No Homo Gonna Make It To Heaven" In Church

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | May 30, 2012 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | May 30, 2012 |

Honest to God, the kid — who is, what? Five or six years old — isn’t the worst part of the video. Obviously, he’d have to have awful parents in the first place to be singing something as insidious as this in the middle of a church ceremony. No, the worst part is the rousing ovation the kid receives from the congregation for singing that line. There are some ugly fucking people in this world, y’all, and there’s a load of them who attend Apostolic Truth Tabernacle Church in Greensburg, Indiana. No fucking self-respecting Christian on the planet could truly reconcile his or her beliefs with that message, or the enthusiasm for the idea that someone who loves someone else of the same sex deserves to go the Hell. It’s sick. I don’t know dip about Jesus except that this right here is the opposite of everything that man ever taught or believed.

Hell, the video doesn’t make me angry so much as it just makes me confused and sad that people like this exist in the world. The privilege of life is wasted on these hateful, awful people.