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"The Wire: The Musical" -- Experience TV's Greatest Show Through the Magic of Song!

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | June 5, 2012 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | June 5, 2012 |

OK, this is … well, it’s … it’s “The Wire: The Musical,” and it’s … show-tuney. And Michael K. Williams sings and dances, and Bubbles is there, DeAngelo, and you’ll see Snoop as you’ve never seen her before.

You’ll experience all five seasons of David Simon’s fantastic, dense series in 90-minutes of music magic! Then you’ll feel slightly traumatized by the experience, and you may never think of Omar the same way again.

In case you need to scrub the memory from your brain, here are the 100 Greatest Quotes from “The Wire.”