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The Man Who Ate Axl Rose Performs an Embarrassing, Weak-Ass Acoustic Version of "Welcome to the Jungle"

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | October 22, 2012 |

By Dustin Rowles | Videos | October 22, 2012 |

In a benefit for the Bridge School organized annually by Neil Young to assist children with severe physical impairments and complex communication needs, Axl Rose and whatever incarnation of Guns n’ Roses currently exists trotted out some weak-sauced acoustic version of “Welcome to the Jungle” featuring an Axl Rose who looks and sounds like an overweight emphysemic struggling to get sound through his mustache.

It’s … well … there’s a reason Axl Rose doesn’t make a lot of public appearances, but hey! It’s for a really good cause. Set your expectations as low as possible, and then set them about 47 levels lower. You’ll still be disappointed.

Somebody get that man a chair and an oxygen tank.